Album Released: 2017

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Follow along with these great songwriters' lyrics...just click the "LYRICS" link, then click the play button.

After taking a 7-year break from recording, one night in February, inspiration snuck up on me from a most unlikely source. While watching the Grammy Awards, Beck performed a song I had not heard before. I had never been a Beck fan, so I was surprised when the song "Heart Is A Drum" became lodged in my head. The next day I bought the album, began to figure out the odd guitar tuning he used, and started playing this song...over and over.

A few days later, almost unconsciously, I walked over to my recording rig, powered it on for the first time in years, and started laying down tracks. Why that song? Why that particular time, after all those years? I have no idea...but for some unknown reason, I started recording again, and I didn't stop until the songs on this album were finished.

So...thank you, Beck Hansen, for my wake-up call.

This album is dedicated in loving memory of my two heroes, George Jr. & George Sr., and to the incredible women in my life… Barbara (my love), Alice (my sis), and Eileen (my mom).

Here is the CD Booklet (click on any page to enlarge):